 Input text
 Fancy Text Styles
 Text decorations

Text decoration is a text decorator, it makes ordinary text more fancy with many new special symbols. You can create fashionable text by placing your regular text in the first box and then all different types of text will be created in another box. Have you ever wanted a cool name on social media or a name for gamers. This text decorator will be useful for you if you want to use fashionable text for social media posts or Instagram, Twitter descriptions, etc.

The conversion occurs through a series of special characters from the standard unicode. Text decoration are created using a variety of different alphabets, and then they are turned into a constructor using some javaScript. ASCII only defines 256 characters in its extender and Unicode defines more than 100,000 text symbols. So when creating fashion text with unicode, we had a large number of different characters, symbols and accents (diacritical marks) that we could use to create text and decorate it. .

You can use this converter to create text for Facebook names, for Tumblr, for Twitter, for Instagram or for almost any social network you want. That's because all modern browsers support a large number of text symbols from the Unicode standard. If you want. You can see that some websites do not support some special letters and instead, a box or question mark character is displayed. This is not a problem with the converter. That just means that the website you're trying to use is using a font with limited Unicode support. You will be able to copy and paste into most websites without any hassle. With just one click, you can copy these fashion texts to Facebook, twitter, Instagram ... and impress your friends.

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